
2021 Christmas Letter

As we draw to the end of 2021, we wanted to post some appreciation to our amazing network.

by Gillian Lovering

A Christmas letter from our Operations Director, Martin Saunders

Dear colleagues, partners, suppliers and customers,

“Another year over and a new one just begun”. As we draw to the end of 2021, we wanted to post some appreciation to our amazing network.

As with 2020, 2021 has been a difficult and challenging year. COVID lockdowns, supply chain issues, changing government advice and an ever-increasing period of uncertainty brings its own risks.

We would like to thank our employees and network of Agents and distributors for their on-going hard work. Each country has it’s own way of dealing with these issues. Many of our network have struggled to see customers and we need to find new ways of working and communicating. For a business with 90+% export profile, this is critical!

As the work landscape changes and digital becomes more and more prevalent, we need to acknowledge the hard work completed by our development partners. New website, CRM, CMS, updates to our customer portal and products now providing data to customers. API integrations and new alliances to make data flow more efficiently for our customers.

To our suppliers for battling through micro chip issues and raw material shortages. Thank you for delivering on promises.

Lastly to our customers. We appreciate the business. We work hard to listen to what is required and deliver solutions that meet and go beyond expectations.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and prosperous new year.

Kind Regards,

Martin Saunders

Operations Director