
The Portamarine is used for compliance against the IMO SOLAS & FSS Code Chapter for offshore Fire Suppression Servicing inspections and especially popular for use with onboard CO2 fire suppression systems.


Rivertrace represents the Portamarine®, ultrasonic liquid level indicator, in Thailand, Philippines, and Hong Kong.

The Portamarine is used for compliance against the IMO SOLAS & FSS Code Chapter for offshore Fire Suppression Servicing inspections and especially popular for use with onboard CO2 fire suppression systems.

The IMO SOLAS & FSS Code Chapter states that “Means shall be provided for the crew to safely check the quantity of the fire extinguishing medium in the containers.”

the Portamarine is a quick and accurate solution allowing ships crew to test multi banked cylinders in under 60 seconds without disconnecting the cylinders from the manifold with this non-invasive technology.

The device can also be used on all major liquid agents including FM200 and NOVEC 1230®.

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