
Rivertrace Connected – our digital journey

Rivertrace are proud to announce the next stage in our digital transformation with the addition of an API to our RT Connected Portal.

by Gillian Lovering

The RT Connected Portal has been in operation for just over a year. Hosted on AWS cloud, the system provides our customers with the ability to register their Rivertrace device and receive copies of calibration certificates as well as reminders for pending calibration requirements.

Following a recent customer study, we learnt that our customers spend most of their operational time in their respective FMS systems (Fleet Management Systems). They liked the functionality of the portal but wanted to receive the data in their own system without having to access multiple systems at once.

We decided to develop the API which means FMS companies can now integrate with us where we have common customers. This process is done by a vendor registration and with the customer’s permission. The API has been developed with data security being of primary importance. Developer details of the API can be found here. Complete the form to access the details.

The next stage in our digital transformation, will be to provide access to performance and compliance data from our devices to show discharge and preventative maintenance data. This will be available through our portal or via an API.

Rivertrace have also developed an on-board API with Prevention at Sea. This means that customers using our Smartsafe ORB product can integrate with the electronic oil record book. The system populates details of discharges, faults and alarms into the software. The system has several validations to ensure complaint entries and the user simply confirms each transaction. See more about this solution here.


Martin Saunders (Operations Director – Rivertrace) said: “We are delighted with the next stage of our digital offering. The shipping industry is becoming more and more focussed on data and digital solutions. We have listened to our customers and enabled our data to be accessed through their own systems. This will assist companies being able to present data to inspection authorities in a seamless way, as well as managing maintenance and calibration operations more efficiently.”

To read more about preventative maintenance, connected ships and digitalisation or a host of other industry related topics, access our blog, white papers and video pages on the website.

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