
There are several different types of oil in water monitors

What types of different oil in water monitors are there?

by Gillian Lovering

There are several different types of oil in water monitors and analysers on the market. The reason for this is because there are several different parameters to be considered, depending on the type of application the monitor is installed on. See our White Paper – Choosing the Right Technology (you will need to create a free account with this site to access).

Download the guide to oil in water monitoring & discharge

Not all oil in water monitors are installed together with an oily water separator. Monitors can be installed to carry out a range of tasks and in different environments. The different types of applications these are used on are: 

1. Maritime vessels.
2. Offshore oil and gas platforms.
3. Industrial. Refineries and power stations, for example.

The sample to be test, and therefore running through the device, will dictate the type of meter and type of measurement principle. Examples of these included, but are not limited to:

1. Oil content range
2. Oil type
3. Turbidity (cloudiness).
4. Acidity.
5. The level of solid content.
6. Other chemicals present in sample.